Q&A: Rose Northey


Poet Susan Wardell's debut picture book The Lighthouse Princess is a celebration of independence and friendship, with magical and award-winning illustrations by Wellington-based Rose Northey, recipient of the Storylines Gavin Bishop Award 2021. Rose answers our quick Q&A.

1. How are you and what have you been up to lately?

Physically, I’m a little sick because I had COVID a few weeks ago but mentally, I’m doing awesome. Recently I’ve been designing a fanny pack for a client in the US, working on an art commission of a modern flying bison, and writing content about Auckland for a comedy show. 

2. If you were working in a bookshop, how would you hand-sell your book to customers? What would you say to convince them to buy and read it?

This book will make you say “aww” at the end.  It’s covered in New Zealand native creatures from start to finish with a little bit of magic mixed in. 

3. What books (or other art/media) influenced you while working on this book, or generally in your life?

I was so lucky to be able to get feedback from Gavin Bishop as I progressed through the pages. He is a superstar of New Zealand illustration and also the sweetest man.

I adore filling my art (both written and visual) with humour as well. Flight of the Conchords and Cassandra Calin are muses in the giggle department.

4. What good books have you read lately?

I am chewing through the Broken Earth series by N.K. Jemisin. I also just finished A Fine Balance by Rohinton Mistry and Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir. I have always been an extremely slow reader but I still always have at least one physical book and one audiobook on the go at all times.  

Buy The Lighthouse Princess (Penguin Random House NZ), $20


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